12 minutes / Directed by André Vaara
Rosanna's life as a teenage mother in the Northern Swedish countryside can be draining and lonely. When her friends show up one summer evening, the boundaries between her own longings as a teenager and the obligations that follow motherhood become blurred. A film about wanting to stay young while needing to grow up.
Directed by: André Vaara
Written by: André Vaara
Produced by: Tintin Scheynius
Executive producers: Frida Mårtensson, Jerry Carlsson
Cinematography: Simon Bendroth
Editing: Emma Pål Brunzell
Production Design: Klara Söderqvist
Sound Design: Manne Kjellander
Costume Design: Ellen Utterström
Cast: Sanna Niemi, Jonas Bergdahl, Felicity Green, Vanessa Marklund, Elisabeth Wernersjö
Baby is produced by Verket Produktion in co-production with Filmpool Nord/Katja Härkönen.
With support from The Swedish Film Institute/film commissioner Ami Ekström, Film Stockholm/Filmbasen/Ivana Lalovic, Förvaltningen för kulturutveckling, Västra Götalandsregionen & Stiftelsen Greta.
© Verket Produktion, Filmpool Nord 2022